Terms of Service

Acceptance of our Terms

The HorizonPoll panel is a service owned and created by Pureprofile on behalf of HorizonPoll INC.

For the purposes of this policy the HorizonPoll panel will be referred to as 'The Community'.

These Terms of Service (“terms”) govern your access to and use of The Community products, and services (“products”).

Please read these Terms carefully; by accessing or using The Community products, you agree to be bound by the below Terms and by our Privacy Policy.


  1. To access and use The Community, you must register a personal account by entering a valid email address and creating a password in the registration section of the site or application. You'll also be asked to accept these terms as part of the process.
  2. Keep your password confidential. You are entirely responsible for all activities and transactions made from your account. We are not liable for any loss or damage from any unauthorised use of your account.
  3. Notify us immediately of any unauthorised account use or any other security breach in The Community through our Contact Us page.
  4. You may only register one Community account. If you attempt to register multiple accounts, we have the right to suspend or close any and all of these accounts without notice and to ban you from using The Community. In the event that we close your account(s) pursuant to this clause, you forfeit any rewards that you have accrued.

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Your privacy

Privacy is an essential element of The Community. We are committed to protecting the privacy of all users. We use advanced technology and follow best practice standards to protect your privacy. For complete details on how we protect your privacy, consult our Privacy Policy.

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Your profile

  • When you register, you'll be given the opportunity to create an online profile. We will repeat these questions at set intervals to ensure your profile is always up to date. Conditional to this agreement and all other terms and conditions contained on the site, should you wish to update, change or delete profile information at any time you can contact us to take action.
  • We use profile information to publish and deliver insights tailored to you, your interests and hobbies.
  • We use profile information in conjunction with information obtained from other sources such as web cookies, your IP address and geolocation software to match and deliver relevant activities to you through The Community.
  • We don't disclose information provided by you while using The Community to any business in a format that may allow you to be personally identified. We may aggregate profile information with other members' profile information and allow businesses to access this grouped and de-identified information.
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  1. Insights are collected and de-identified data from members' responses to profile questions. Insights may be launched or withdrawn without notice by us, on our products or other media like our social media platforms.
  2. You may share or publish the insights we publish, but only for non-commercial use. You need prior written consent to use insight for the following purposes:
    • educational or research purposes; and
    • commercial use.
  3. When you share or publish an insight with a non-commercial purpose, in any media, you agree that:
    • you will not misrepresent the information contained in the insight;
    • you will not share and/or publish the insight in any way that would bring us, the site or other application into disrepute;
    • you will not share and/or publish the insight on websites that:
      • contain unlawful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, indecent information or material; or
      • promote, provide or offer unsuitable or inappropriate products or services,
      • including but not limited to gambling, adult services and erotic products;
    • you will not share and/or publish the insight by using spam or spamming techniques.
    • all intellectual property in the insight is owned by us.
  4. To the extent the intellectual property in the insight vests in you, you agree that in consideration for us granting you a personal right to use the insight, you grant us license of the insight. This includes an irrevocable, perpetual, exclusive, fully-paid up, royalty-free, worldwide right and license, with the right to sublicense, use, reproduce, display, perform, create derivative works of, distribute and otherwise exploit that intellectual property in the insights.
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Feed activities

  1. You may receive invitations to various activities in your Community feed. You may either accept or skip them. If you accept an activity, you will be taken to a starting page. If you skip it, you will be shown the next available activity in your feed.
  2. Unless expressly indicated otherwise, the content of activities does not originate from us, and the inclusion of any particular content does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of that content by us, our directors or employees.
  3. We make no express or implied guarantee or warranty about the nature, suitability or authenticity of activity content, or any offer contained in an activity.
  4. We make no express or implied guarantee or warranty about the number of activities you will be invited to participate in.
  5. Any offer contained in an activity is made by the business, and not The Community. The business making the offer is solely responsible for both the accuracy of the offer and the fulfillment of any obligations attached to the offer.
  6. We are not liable for any damage or loss caused by activities or the acceptance of any offer contained in an activity.
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Data Quality

  1. To ensure The Community accesses high quality data, we have put in place a number of quality control measures to ensure response data meets and exceeds industry standards and best practice.
  2. For each activity we conduct, the following data quality checks are verified:
    • all open ended answers are checked for:
      • offensive or inappropriate language; and
      • incomprehensible free text responses such as 'qwfqwfqwf';
    • the time taken for you to complete the activity will be checked against the estimated completion time for that activity; and
    • all responses will be checked for inconsistent or inaccurate answers, which can include (but are not limited to):
      • responses which contradict other responses you have submitted during an activity;
      • responses which contradict information in your profile;
      • responses which fail logic or trick testing within an activity;
      • selecting all answers in a multi-response question to qualify for an activity; and
      • for grid style questions, selecting all answers in a column or row, or selecting answers in a diagonal pattern.
  3. You must not provide information in your profile that is, or responses in any activity that are:
    • offensive or inappropriate;
    • incomprehensible;
    • rushed or ill-thought out;
    • inconsistent and/or inaccurate; or
    • in a language other than the primary language of your country of registration.
  4. If you are found to have breached any of the terms of this section, we may:
    • deduct any reward you received for any related activity from your personal account balance;
    • block you from receiving further activities;
    • prevent you from using The Community, aspects of the site, platform or any applications; and
    • close your personal account.
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Earning rewards

  1. You can earn rewards by participating in The Community activities like surveys, website visits,video posts, and much more.
  2. To become entitled for a reward when participating in an activity;
    • the information in your profile must match the targeting criteria for the activity;
    • the end date for the activity must not have passed; and
    • you must:
      • view and accept the invitation for the activity;
      • answer all questions asked; and
      • reach the final page at the conclusion of the activity and follow any instructions on that page.
  3. Neither us nor a business will be liable for any loss or damage arising from you receiving an invitation or activity after the activity end date.
  4. If a business defaults on its obligation to fulfil an offer, we are not liable to fulfil the offer to you and are not liable for any loss or damage that results from the business not satisfying its reward offer.
  5. We store a record of any rewards you earn through interaction with The Community.
  6. We may debit or credit your Community account balance at any time and without notice, to rectify any payments made to, or debits from, your account balance which were caused by human error, technological error or any other mistake or systems failure.
  7. If your personal account is inactive for one year, any rewards in your account balance may be forfeited.
  8. If you wish to dispute a reward, you should contact us and describe the nature of the discrepancy. We will notify you of the results of any investigation and any determination made by us is final (without affecting any of your statutory rights).
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Redeeming Rewards

  1. You may redeem rewards earned through your use of The Community using the redemption methods we make available from time to time.
  2. The redemption methods we make available are at our absolute discretion and we may add or cease redemption methods at any time.
  3. Certain redemption methods may require you to have a minimum reward balance before you can redeem or only allow you to redeem up to a certain amount within a specified time period. These restrictions are set by us at our absolute discretion and may be amended from time to time.
  4. When redeeming a Reward Card it may take up to 5 business days for the transfer to be processed and is subject to approval.
  5. If a redemption requires us to transfer your redeemed reward into another account (for example sending a voucher code to an email address), you are responsible for providing us with correct account details. The information you enter is used to automatically transfer the reward to the account whose details you provide. Completed transfers cannot be recalled, so if you provide incorrect account details, we may not be able to recover the redemptions made.
  6. You agree to indemnify us in relation to any loss or damage caused by any transfer of rewards made in accordance with your instructions. You are liable for any costs associated with the provision of incorrect or incomplete details in your redemption request.
  7. We are not liable for errors made by third parties in relation to your redemption request.
  8. Any rewards you earn through The Community don't earn interest and have no monetary value until validly redeemed.
  9. You are responsible for identifying any potential tax liabilities that may arise through your use of The Community. The Community is available to you as a consumer and not a business, trading organisation or other entity subject to any sales tax.
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  1. We may contact you without offering a reward by sending you a newsletter, making verifications of your account and profile information, for customer service issues, for feed activity invitations, and to confirm some personal account activity.
  2. We may also contact you on third party websites through targeted advertising, using the anonymised details you provide.
  3. You can set preferences in relation to the communications you receive from us when you are logged in The Community.
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Your conduct

  1. You must not use The Community for any purpose that is unlawful, or prohibited by this agreement or any other terms, conditions or notices appearing anywhere on The Community. Particularly, you must not:
    • copy material that is made available on our platform by third parties and reproduce or publish it.
    • use, post or transmit any:
      • unlawful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane or indecent information, language or material;
      • communication that may either constitute or encourage conduct that is a criminal offence or may give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any applicable law;
      • information or material which damages our reputation or the reputation of any business, or which we consider as likely to damage our reputation or the reputation of any business;
      • material which violates or infringes the rights of any person, including but not limited to the rights of privacy, copyright, trademarks, patents, confidentiality and any other intellectual property, personal or proprietary rights;
      • material of any kind which contains or elicits a computer or software corruption, virus or other harmful component; or
      • communication that contains promotional or advertising material;
    • impersonate any person or entity;
    • exploit any material on the network for a commercial purpose;
    • use The Community, the site, the platform or an application to send spam; or
    • use The Community, the site, the platform or an application to send to engage in any other forms of internet abuse, including:
      • tampering, hacking, spoofing or using robots or scripts; or
      • copying, distributing, modifying or otherwise interfering with the administration, security or proper and intended function of any part of The Community.
  2. If you are found to have committed any of the above acts your personal account will be closed and you may be prosecuted for any damage, loss or expense directly or indirectly caused by your actions. While we are not obligated to supervise your use of The Community, we reserve the right to monitor the site, platform and all applications and retain and disclose all information necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or government request.
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Closing an account

  1. You may close your personal account on The Community at any time.
  2. You're responsible for redeeming any rewards that you have earned before you close your account.You can only redeem rewards in accordance with our redemption rules. This means that if you do not have the minimum redemption amount in your personal account, you will not be able to redeem existing rewards.
  3. If a personal account is closed for any reason (and whether by us or you), you'll forfeit all rewards which you may have been entitled to and all profile information provided by you through The Community will be deleted from our records, except as required by any government regulation or statute.
  4. We may, without notice, refuse your application to register a personal account or may close your personal account if you:
    • breach any part of this agreement;
    • send spam messages through The Community, the platform or an application; or
    • act against our business interests or reputation.
  5. We may determine that you are an inactive member if you haven't had any activity in over 12 months. If this is the case, we reserve the right to suspend and/or close your account if you do not respond to messages from us requesting that you reactivate your account.
  6. If your account is suspended, we may request documentary or other proof of your identity in order to confirm the authenticity of your account. If you fail to respond to our request or provide adequate proof, we may close your account.
  7. If you wish to close an account on behalf of a deceased member, please contact us along with some form of proof to show you have the right to close the deceased's account.
  8. The refusal of an account registration and/or closure is at our discretion.
  9. Should for any reason we cease to operate we will delete your information from our records.
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No offer of information, products or service

  1. Unless expressly indicated, any offer for information, products or services you may receive through The Community or any activities is not an offer by us. We make no warranties or representations of any kind in relation to, and are not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, authenticity, reliability or suitability of any information contained in an activity or on The Community.
  2. It is the responsibility of the business offering the information, product or service to ensure its accuracy, completeness, authenticity, reliability or suitability. We are not liable for any loss or damage that results from your, or anybody else's, reliance on the information, products or services provided or promoted by a business or any other person.
  3. By making information, products or services accessible through the platform, we are not soliciting any person to use such information, products or services in jurisdictions where this would be illegal.
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No Warranties

  1. Unless otherwise stated, the site, platform and all applications are provided on an 'as-is' basis without any express or implied warranties or guarantees.
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Liability and indemnity

  1. You agree and accept that The Community, including our related bodies corporate, licensors, officers, directors and employees, are not liable for any loss or damage that results from:
    • your interaction with The Community;
    • your use of or access to, or any inability to use or access The Community;
    • unauthorised access or alterations made to your communications, transmissions or profile information; or
    • statements or conduct of any third party on The Community, the site, platform or through any application.
  2. You agree to indemnify us, our parents, subsidiaries, affiliated organisations and their directors, officers and employees, from any claim or demand, including reasonable legal fees, made by a third party, caused by or arising from your use of The Community, the platform, site or a violation of these Terms of Service by you.
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  1. All questions or disputes relating to The Community or any part of this agreement should be submitted to us. We will endeavour to resolve any disputes expeditiously. All interpretations of the Terms of Service shall be at our discretion and any determination that we make in relation to an issue is final. In the event that we make an error, such error is not a breach of this agreement.
  2. If you're found to have breached any part of this agreement, we may suspend and/or close your personal account. In the event of any such closure, the balance of rewards in your personal account at the time it is closed will be forfeited.
  3. If any part of this agreement becomes, or is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it will not affect the operation of the remainder of this agreement.
  4. Due to the constantly evolving nature of The Community and the site, applications, platform, profile and activities, we reserve the right to add to, change or remove any part of the platform, site or this agreement at any time. These changes may be made without notification and you agree that it's your responsibility to remain updated and aware of the terms of this agreement and other aspects of the platform and site.
  5. We have no control over the content on websites hyperlinked from the site, the platform or an application. We make no express or implied warranties in relation to the content of these sites, including the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of the site for any particular purpose. This includes a hyperlink on the site, platform or in an application. We are not liable for any loss or damage that may result from your use of hyperlinks in the site, platform or applications or any loss or damage caused by your use or reliance on any website via a hyperlink.
  6. This agreement, access to and use of The Community, the site, platform and all applications and the terms of any disclaimer of warranties and liability are governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia.
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