Partner Privacy Policy

Info for Personal Accounts

Horizon Research works with Pureprofile as a technology partner.

This means Horizon's panels are also hosted at Pureprofile, enabling use of your account there. This allows us to offer more surveys and provide rewards for surveys completed.

Pureprofile is committed to protecting personal data.This privacy policy will inform how personal data from Horizon's panels is looked after by business partner Pureprofile. This policy supplements the Pureprofile privacy policy and is not intended to override it. Pureprofile's privacy policy, including the methods with which data is collected and used, is explained below.

For the purposes of this policy the Partner panel will be referred to as 'The Community'.

Info for personal accounts

The Community is founded on the principle of making your everyday online activities more valuable. We know that you care about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy seriously.

By visiting and using The Community you are accepting the practices outlined in this policy.

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By choosing to complete surveys through The Community you'll be asked to provide some personal and sensitive information, as detailed here. Our Privacy Policy is based on the following provisions:

  • We only store profile information you choose to provide. We use the latest technologies and best practises to protect all personal information from unauthorised physical and electronic access and interference
  • We don't permit businesses to access your personal information, unless you decide to make this information available
  • We don't forward or transfer your information to any third parties, other than the organisations detailed in this document, which are required to operate The Community. This disclosure is necessary in your use of The Community and these organisations are required to respect and maintain our commitments to your privacy and security

We are absolutely committed to these policies.

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What information do we collect?

We collect three broad types of information:

  • Information you directly provide us;
  • Information about your use and interaction with The Community; and
  • Information collected through the platform, applications, third parties or other websites
  1. Information you directly provide us can include:
    • profile information;
    • any responses you submit during activities;
    • the content of any customer service correspondence;
    • any other information you directly provide on The Community
  2. Information about your use and interaction with The Community can include:
    • your IP address, geolocation and data stored in Pureprofile cookies;
    • your activities on The Community, such as when you accept or skip an invitation, your participation in activities and
    • your progression through a particular activity;
    • your other account activity, such as when you login to your account, when you send us customer service correspondence and when you opt-in to an application;
    • information about the device you're using to access The Community; or
    • your transaction history, including your account balance, the incentives you receive from participating in activities and any rewards you have requested
  3. Information collected through the platform, applications, third parties or other websites can include:
    • details about yourself, which are stored on other websites;
    • the names, email addresses and other details of contacts or friends you have stored on other websites; and
    • any other data that may be stored on other websites or held by third parties
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How do we use the information we collect?

The Community's use of information

We use the information you provide us to publish and deliver insights and relevant activities to you through The Community. This can include:

  • Using responses from an activity, which has been provided to a research client in a de-identified way, for further analysis or use, including publication of the de-identified results;
  • Help detect and prevent fraudulent activity;
  • Maintain the data quality of activity responses;
  • Improve and personalise The Community experience;
  • Maintain, operate and improve The Community; and
  • Promote our services on affiliated third party websites using banner ads or other materials

Research clients' use of information

There are times when research clients may require access to profile information such as:

  • Profile information to help determine the target audience for an activity; or
  • The responses you submit during an activity

All information provided to research clients will be presented in an aggregated and de-identified format, unless you grant us express permission to do otherwise.

There may be times when you are invited to provide your name, email address and other contact information during an activity. You should know that:

  • you are providing this information directly to the research client and not The Community;
  • your information will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant client's' Privacy Policy and not The Community's Privacy Policy; and
  • you are always free to decline providing contact details to a research client
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Information you can use

Information collected through the platform, applications, third parties and other websites may be used by you to allow you to:

Create a relationship between your account and other online accounts you've registered for;

  • help detect and prevent fraudulent activity;
  • improve the accessibility of the site; and
  • participate in retargeting activities
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Accessing and controlling your information

If you:

  • want to obtain access to any personal information that we hold about you;
  • object to profiling, including profiling for marketing purposes;
  • believe any of your personal information that we hold is inaccurate, incomplete or it is not necessary to hold it; or
  • want to delete your personal information from our records, you can email us at with the subject heading “Attention: Privacy Officer”. Please include your full name and account email address in the email. We will use reasonable efforts to resolve your request within 30 days.

We will provide you with our reasons if we refuse your request and, if you disagree, you are entitled to ask us to make a note of the request with your information.

You may also request that your personal information be restricted from processing where one of the following applies:

  • we are verifying the accuracy of personal information, which you believe to be inaccurate;
  • the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of personal information;
  • we no longer require the personal information but you require it for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; and
  • you have objected to processing and we are verifying whether there are legitimate grounds to refuse the objection
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Disclosure to third parties

We will not sell, trade, give or rent any information to a third party unless:

  • you have expressly consented;
  • such disclosure is permitted by the Terms of Service or this Privacy Policy; or
  • required to do so by law

When we provide information to third parties, profile information and activity responses are only disclosed to research clients in an aggregate and de-identified format. We never provide any personally identifiable Information about you to a research client, unless you expressly grant us permission to do so. This permission will (unless otherwise indicated) generally be required on a case-by-case basis.

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Overseas staff handling your data

The response data for some activities may be stored and/or analysed and aggregated by staff residing in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Greece, The Philippines and India. Our staff, including contractors, are required to maintain the same privacy and data protection standards as required under the General Data Protection Regulation.

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Overseas third parties

Some activities may originate from businesses based outside of your country of residence and accordingly, you agree to allow your activity response data to be provided to these businesses. When this happens, we may need to use third party hosting facilities located outside of your country of residence to ensure your information is constantly accessible and backed up in secure data storage facilities. We will ensure all third party hosting providers used are not permitted access to your information.

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Data matching

We may share your information with third parties to determine if these parties already hold information about you. We do this for the following purposes:

  • to seek your consent to add the information held by third parties to your The Community account; and
  • to determine if you qualify for an activity (for example for businesses who want to deploy a survey to individuals already on their database)

If the third party does not hold information about you, we ensure that the information we shared with them is destroyed.

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Linking to other websites

Information security

We are committed to providing a secure online environment to use The Community and have invested considerable resources to protect your information from loss, misuse, corruption and unauthorised access. More precisely, we have invested in:

  • secure server software (SSL) technology to encrypt the transfer of all personally identifiable information
  • Firewalls that protect against unauthorised access of all of the data we collect and store

Due to the nature of the internet, it's possible that information stored on our servers and data transmitted online can sometimes be accessed by unauthorised third parties. While we make significant investments to ensure that this risk is minimised, we cannot guarantee the information you provided us will never be compromised. By accepting this Privacy Policy, you acknowledge and accept these risks.

How to contact us

If you have any enquiries or complaints about either our Privacy Policies or procedures, including requesting access to or correcting personal information that The Community holds, please email us at with the subject heading “Attention: Privacy Officer”. Please include your full name and account email address in the email.

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Policy changes

We may make changes to the Privacy Policy from time to time and you'll be notified of any changes.

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